In the musical, directed and choreographed by Tony winner Kathleen Marshall, Foster stars as Reno Sweeney with Grey as Moonface Martin and Donnell as Billy Crocker. Here, Foster and Donnell perform "You're the Top," and Foster and Grey perform "Friendship."
As previously reported, Anything Goes will extend again through Sept. 9 at the Stephen Sondheim Theatre. It was originally scheduled to run through July 31, 2011.
The current cast also features John McMartin as Elisha Whitney, Julie Halston as Evangeline Harcourt, Erin Mackey as Hope Harcourt, Robert Petkoff as Lord Evelyn Oakleigh, Jessica Stone as Erma, Walter Charlesas Captain, Robert Creighton as Purser, Andrew Cao as Luke and Raymond J. Lee as John.
The ensemble includes Lawrence Alexander, Clyde Alves, Leslie Becker, Ward Billeisen, Daniel J. Edwards, Kearran Giovanni, Justin Greer, Derek Hanson, Tari Kelly, Michelle Loucadoux, Shina Ann Morris, Kevin Munhall, Mary Michael Patterson, Hayley Podschun, Brandon Rubendall, William Ryall, Jennifer Savelli, Kiira Schmidt and Vanessa Sonon.
To watch Foster and Donnell perform "You're the Top," look below:
To watch Foster and Grey perform "Friendship," look below: