The Daily Distraction: Karen Ziemba Seduces Bill Irwin With Sondheim | Playbill

Video The Daily Distraction: Karen Ziemba Seduces Bill Irwin With Sondheim Sooner or later she always gets her man...

These are frightening times, and we all must take necessary precautions as we social distance and self-isolate. That being said, you deserve a break every now and then. Welcome to Playbill's Daily Distraction.

Day 26: Oh My God, It's Karen Ziemba! (And Bill Irwin!)

"Sooner or later you're gonna be mi—oh my god, it's Karen Ziemba, who made this song super-duper famous!"

That's how Melissa Errico began her performance of "Sooner or Later" at her Sondheim Sublime album release party a couple years ago (back when we could have gatherings and parties and whatnot). Errico was stretched across a grand piano as she gave a mid-song shoutout to the Tony winner, who was sitting on a nearby couch. "You must go on YouTube tonight and search this song and Karen Ziemba. Oh my god. History."

So, as I reminisce about that particular interlude a year and a half later, here's Karen Ziemba's "Sooner or Later" from the 1992 Sondheim celebration at Carnegie Hall.

The performance begins with a bit by Bill Irwin (who happens to be celebrating his birthday today) taking the podium to clown around as conductor. Just as the orchestra's about to start, someone makes a surprise appearance. In the immortal words of Melissa Errico, "Oh my god, it's Karen Ziemba!"

Ziemba slithers out of her coat, revealing a red gown (before it was cool to celebrate Sondheim in red, mind you) as she seduces the birthday boy with suggestive baton usage, bench choreography, and high kicks.

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