Riza Takahashi, who made her Broadway debut in Mean Girls, joins Coach Joe Rosko and Built for the Stage August 25 for Motivation Monday. Tune in about at 11:30 AM ET to watch Takahashi share stories about the show, her career, and her recent video appearance in Elliott Mattox's "I Think He Knows."
As these tough times of this global pandemic continue, human connection is as important as ever in regards to health and fitness. Built For The Stage offers a seven-day free trial that allows you to interact with a coach to talk about your goals, try out some actor-athlete workout sessions, and offer any other support that they can.
BFTS not only provides training programs for professionals in the business, but recently launched its new program, BFTS University, for theatre majors. BFTSU helps students in building their fitness and nutrition foundation to enable them to ready themselves for the demanding requirements of a career in theatre.
For more information about these programs, the BFTS Swag Shop, or BFTS podcast episodes, visit www.builtforthestage.com.