Last Chance to Get in the 2008-2009 "Playbill Yearbook" – See If Your Name Is on the List | Playbill

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News Last Chance to Get in the 2008-2009 "Playbill Yearbook" – See If Your Name Is on the List Worked on Broadway this season? July 6 is the deadline to get your photo in "The 2008-2009 Playbill Broadway Yearbook."

We're striving to include photos of every person who worked on a Broadway show between June 1, 2008, and May 31, 2009, even if the show was a holdover from a previous season. We have more than 7,500 faces already in the book, but we're still missing some — primarily creative and production staffers. If your name appears on the list at the bottom of this story, please email your headshot to [email protected]. If you see the name of a friend, please let him or her know that name is on this list.

Photo format: jpegs or tiffs only, please; 300 dpi or better.

We already have all actor photos. We're seeking people who worked as creative staff, stage crew, ushers, orchestra, wardrobe, props or front-of-house staff. If you posed for a group photo at your theatre, you're already in the "Yearbook."

Still not sure? Check out the list (below) of everyone whose name appeared in a Playbill, but who is not yet in a "Yearbook" photo.

"The Playbill Broadway Yearbook" is scheduled for publication early this fall, so the July 6 deadline will not be extended. We hope that everyone who worked on Broadway this season will participate in the fifth annual edition, which promises to be a wonderful piece of theatrical memorabilia. Ahrens, Robert
Ailon, Pippa
Aldredge, Theoni V.
Allen, Andrew "Tex"
Allen, Gwenael
Alterman, Charlie
Amendum, Dominick
Anderson, Paul
Audet, Nancy
Audet, Paul

Babani, David
Baker, Manuel
Bantry, Bryan
Barclay, Kelli
Barry, Jim
Bartner, Robert G.
Bayes, Christopher
Bell, Jake
Belsher, Nikki
Bergson, Simon
Berkowitz, Michael
Berman, Matt
Bernstein, Jed
Bevan, Tim
Bibicoff, Allison
Binder, David
Bisno, Debbie
Blake, Paul
Blank, Matthew C.
Bly, Mark
Bodeen, Michael
Bolt, Robert Oxton
Bolton, Annabel
Borovay, Zachary
Boyette, Larry R.
Bozeman, Casey
Bozeman, Steve Jr.
Bozeman, Steve Sr.
Brady, Patrick S.
Brennan, Nora
Bress, Rachel
Brickman, Marc
Broderick, William M.
Brody, Spencer S.
Broecker, Tom
Brook, Susanne
Brown, Laurie
Brucker, Astrid
Bryant, David
Buffman, Zev
Burba, Blake
Burns, Nica
Butler, John

Caggiano, Keith
Camien, Laura
Camoletti, Marc
Campayno, Joseph A.
Candlish, Forbes
Cantler, William
Cantor, Marek J.
Caparelliotis, David
Caplan, Liz
Carr, Sharon
Caruso, Anne
Casey, Harry
Caskey, Kristin
Cassidy, Craig
Castaneda, David
Catullo, Patrick
Cavett, Wendy Bobbitt
Chase, David
Chenglong, Zhou
Chiappetta, Quentin
Childs, Casey
Childs, Terri
Childs, Timothy
Chryst, Gary
Clancy, Elizabeth Hope
Clancy, John
Clark, Michael
Clarke, Gregory
Cohen, Randy
Cohn, Judith Marinoff
Conacher, William
Cooper, Damien
Coppel, Michael
Cowie, Jeff
Cozza, Craig
Cozza, Sherri
Craine, Jon
Cross, Beverley
Cullman, Joan
Culver, Jack
Cuscuna, Lisa

Damaschke, Bill
Dante, Nicholas
Danus, Richard
Davenport, Ken
Davis, Jeff
Davis, Paula Kaminsky
Dawes, Gabrielle
DeBesse, David
Delman, Scott
Denkert, Darcie
Dickinson, Ian
Dickinson, Remmel T.
DiGabriele, Linda
Digiallonardo, Nadia
Dongxu, Jiang
Donovan, Gene O
Dowgiallo, Toni
Dowling, Joey
Downing, Carolyn
Dubin, Jane
DuBois, Peter
duChateau, Charles
Dunn, Kathryn

Edwards, Michael Donald
Edwards, Michael
Elish, Dan
Ellis, Sam
Ellison, Nancy
Epstein, Marc
Esrick, Steven
Esse, Parker
Evans, Asia
Evans, Francis
Evar, Rami

Fabian, Kathy
Fanok, Jeff
Farber, Andrew
Farley, David
Farrar, John
Fellner, Eric
Ferguson, Dale
Fierstein, Ron
Fine, Peter
Finn, Jonathan
Fischer, Kurt
Fisher, Jeanne Donovan
Fisher, Rick
Fishman, Shirley
Fitzgerald, Peter
Florin, Jacki B.
Fordham, Sharon A.
Forlenza, Louise
Foster, David J.
Fowler, Bruce
Fox, Elliot
Frankel, Marc
Frankel, Ronald
Franks, Jay
Frantz, Don
Franzblau, William I.
Freitag, Buddy
Frishwasser, Dan
Frost, John
Fuchs, Michael
Fucillo, Rita A.
Fulbright, Peter
Furey, Ben
Furnish, David

Gallin, Susan Quint
Gardner, Carrie
Gardner, Neal
Gasparian, Martha R.
Geier, Philip H.
Geisler, James
Geller, Jared
Gengying, Huang
Genick, Lee
Gerber, Tony
Gibbs, David
Gilmore, Laurie
Ginzler, Robert
Glist, Alan
Glist, Kathi
Goddard, Gary
Godfrey, Peter
Gold, Rebecca
Gold, Steven M.
Goldberg, Roz
Golden, Peg McFeeley
Goldsmith, Russell
Gordon, Adam S.
Gordon-Johnson, Valerie
Gore, John
Gorman, Michael
Gottlieb, Max
Gough, Shawn
Grano, Joseph J.
Grant, William H. III
Gray, DJ
Greenblatt, Kenneth
Greenblatt, Robert
Greenblatt, Sandra
Greene, Sally
Greenleaf, Seth
Grillo, Denise J.
Grossman, Randi
Grossman, Walt

Haber, Carole L.
Hammerstein, Dena
Hansen, Judith
Hardt, Paul
Harrington, Wendall K.
Harris, Jay
Harris, Pippa
Hart, Christopher
Hart, John N.
Hecht, Deborah
Heller, Ben
Heller, Laura
Helson, Rachel
Herbert, Matthew
Herold, Paula
Herrick, Norton
Herst, Betsy
Hester, Richard
Higgins, Colin
Higginsen, Vy
Hirschfeld, Elie
Holden, Sarah J.
Hongbo, Jiao
Horn, Robert
Howard, Stuart
Huayin, Zhu Humphris, Caroline

Ian, David
Isaacson, Jennifer
Isaacson, Mike

Jackson, Richie
Jacobs, Michael
Jacobs, Sander
James, Bob
Jaroslawicz, David
Jingbo, Wang
Johnson, Doug
Johnson, Kathleen K.
Johnston, Kate
Jones, Alia M.
Jordan, Richard
Jordan, Vernon E. Jr.
Joyner, Oscar
Judge, Kevin
Jun, Fang
Just, Sloan

Kale, Bob
Kallish, Jan
Kane, Ellen
Kantrowitz, Jason
Kashani, Tim
Katz, Sara
Kaufman, David
Kavanaugh, Ryan
Kelly, Gerard
Kelly, Glen
Keneally, Ken
Keough, Don
Kessel, Edward B.
Kiehn, Dontee
Kirkwood, James
Kirmser, Fran
Klapper, Stepanie
Klausen, Ray
Kleban, Edward
Klein, Steve
Kluge, Scott
Koch, Alex
Kraus, Matt
Krogstad, Bob
Kwon, Don

Laboissonniere, Wade
Laminack, Mary E.
Landau, Emily Fisher
Lander, David
Lane-Plescia, Gillian
Lapointe, Charles G.
Larsen, Ray
Laudenslager, Pamela
Laurence, Vasi
Lawrence, David
Ledbetter, Leslie
Leguillou, Lisa
Lehrer, Scott
Leiwant, David O.
Lenhart, Jill
Leong, David S.
Levi, Richard
Levin, Carl
Levy, Tim
Libman, Steven B.
Logan, Joshua
Loud, David
Loukas, Leah J.
Lynne, Jeff
MacGilvray, James P.
Magoon, Marshall
Mahal, Taj
Mahsie, Jeff
Makin, Lisa
Marino, Michael
Markley, Dan
Marks, Alan D.
Martin, Bud
Martin, Elliot
Martin, Marjorie
Marx, Ara
Masterson, Robert
May, Peter
Mazdra, Melissa
McCarthy, Elaine J.
McCullough, Mark
McDonald, Michael
McGrath, Thomas B.
McIntyre, Dianne
McKinnon, Patty Ann
McNulty, Anne
Medak, Susan
Mercer, Randy Houston
Metzger, David
Meyer, Jaimie
Mickelson, Jerry
Milburn, Rob
Miller, Thomas L.
Mills, Marianne
Mindich, Stacey
Mirvish, David
Mishaan, Richard
Monaco, John
Monagle, Ed
Monagle, Peggy
Montan, Chris
Montgomery, Tim
Morgaman, Philip
Morley, Larry
Morrison, Angela
Morse, Tom
Moss, Barry
Mumford, Peter
Murchison, Sarah
Murphy, Claire
Murphy, Matt
Murphy, Thomas S.
Musser, Tharon
Nederlander, Robert
Neglia, James
Nevin, Doug
Newling, Caro
Newman, Harold
Nicholas, Paul
Nigrini, Peter
Nocciolino, Albert
Nugent, Nellie

O'Donovan, Gene
O'Neill, Dustin
Orshan, Wendy
Oswald, Peter
Owens, John

Pailet, Janet
Panter, Howard
Pasbjerg, Carl
Paterson, Chris
Pelzig, Daniel
Perry, Shauneille
Philippi, Michael
Pierce, Edward
Pietropinto, Laura
Pilbrow, Richard
Pileski, Peter
Pinckard, John
Piretti, Ron
Pizzi, Joey Pluess, André J.
Poland, John
Polidoro, Rose
Pomahac, Bruce
Ponturo, Ruthe
Ponturo, Tony
Poor, Bray
Popp, Ethan
Price, Michael P.
Prince, Josh
Prisand, Scott
Proud, Lee
Provost, Heather
Pugh, David
Pytel, Janice

Raiff, Stan
Ramin, Sid
Ramone, Phil
Rampmeyer, Mark Adam
Rego, Matthew
Rego, Michael
Reich, Rob
Resnick, Bill
Resnick, Judith
Reynolds, Bradley
Rich, Janet Billig
Rickson, Ian
Rioseco, Taryn G.
Rippey, Anne
Rita, Rui
Robertson, Brian
Robles, Eduardo
Rodgers, John
Roffe, Mary Lu
Rogers, Dafydd
Rojo, Santiago
Rolecek, Charles
Rollnick, Bill
Rollnick, Nancy Ellison
Ronane, Jessica
Rosenberg, Michael S.
Rosenfeld, Tadd
Rosenkranz, Nicholas Quinn
Rosenthal, David
Ross, Finn
Rossmy, Michael
Rothenberg, Leon
Rowland, Christine
Rubel, Marc
Russell, Barbra
Russell, Vincent
Russman, Brian
Ryan, Ashley L.

Sack, Domonic
Sams, Jeremy
Sanberg, Andy
Sansiveri, Adam
Santoriello, Alex
Scardino, Frank
Schall, Thomas
Schechter, Amy
Schnall, Eric
Schneider, Mark
Schwartz-Hall, Nick
Sedgwick, Toby
Seidel, Kathleen
Shaffer, Peter
Sharpe, Ron
Sharrock, Thea
Shaw, Matthew Byam
Sherman, Dana
Sherman, Jayne Baron
Sherman, Keith
Shin, Chunsoo
Shortall, Tim
Shutt, Christopher
Siesko, David
Simon, Mark
Sine, Jeffrey A.
Skinner, Steve
Skipper, Michael
Smedes, Tom
Smerdon, Vic
Smith, Dale
Smith, Douglas G.
Smith, Laura
Smith, Molly
Smith, Richard A.
Smolenski, Tony IV
Smulyan, Cari
Snape, Edward
Sonnenberg, David
Sopkin, Nicholas
Spangler, Walt
Stancyzk, Laura
Stanisci, John
Steig, William
Stern, Eric
Stern, James D.
Stewart, Kris
Stites, Kevin
Stolber, Dean
Strassler, Abbie M.
Sugg, Jeff
Suisman, Elsa Daspin
Swee, Daniel
Swibel, Brian
Sydow, Kyle

Taylor, Lenora
Teaton, Kenneth
Thomas, Jack
Thompson, David
Thomson, Lynn M.
Tianjiao, Song
Toben, Paul
Tolan, Cindy
Tongbiao, Liu
Tongmiao, Xie
Traina, Joseph
Traxler, Seth
Treagus, Andrew
Trepp, Warren
Tulchin, Norman
Tulchin, Steven
Turner, David
Tyler, Chase

Unger, Hank

Van Tieghem, David
Vickery, Dan

Walker, Bonnie
Walker, Daniel
Walker, Fin
Walters, Happy
Wang, Irene
Warbeck, Stephen
Ward, Michael
Watt, Michael
Weaver, Hillary
Weaver, Matthew
Webber, Julian
Weijun, Xue
Weil, Tim
Weiner, David
Weinstein, Bethany
Weitzenhoffer, Max
Wendt, Angela
West, Blake
West, Darron L.
Weston, Jon Wetherell, Elizabeth Eynon
Whitby, Nick
Wiesenfeld, Cheryl
Williams, Allan
Wilson, Darlene
Wilson, Jeffrey M.
Wilson, Kate
Winkler, Richard
Winslow, Pamela
Winter, Carole
Wise, Peter
Wittlin, Michael
Wolfson, Israel
Wolsky, Albert
Wydro, Ken

Yershon, Gary
Yongnian, Fang
Youmans, James
Young, Campbell

Zaiping, Wang
Zhenpeng, Wang
Zinn, David

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