Inspired by the original novella, Melrose captures Dickens’ witty wording and evocative style to surprise audiences with parts of the familiar story they didn’t know were there! With rich Victorian costumes, exciting magical elements created by acclaimed illusionist Jim Steinmeyer, and beautifully sung holiday carols, A Christmas Carol tells the beloved story of Scrooge and his miraculous transformation. This new production of a holiday tradition is the perfect way for families to recapture the nostalgia of Christmases past and to create memories for many Christmases to come.
Directed by Rob Melrose
Featuring David Rainey, Dylan Godwin, Chris Hutchison, Christopher Salazar, Elizabeth Bunch, Derrick J. Brent II, Todd Waite, Christina Friale, Melissa Molano, Shawn Hamilton, Melissa Pritchett, Luis Quintero, Amanda Martinez, Brittany Halen, Michelle Elaine, Adam Gibbs, Alric Davis, Brandon Hearnsberger, Jeremy Gee, John Ryan Del Bosque, Brock Hatton, Donna Bella Litton
Tickets $39 - $87