Olga Schumacher (Performer) | Playbill

Olga Schumacher


Roles (27)

Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Iolanthe
Opened April 30, 1934
  • as Fleta (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Pirates of Penzance
Opened April 09, 1934
  • as Isabel (Original)
The Mikado Playbill - April 1934 The Mikado
Opened April 02, 1934
  • as Ensemble (Original)
  • as Lady of the Mikado's Suite (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Yeomen of the Guard
Opened August 14, 1933
  • as Ensemble (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Pirates of Penzance
Opened August 07, 1933
  • as Ensemble (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Trial by Jury
Opened May 08, 1933
  • as Ensemble (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 H.M.S. Pinafore
Opened May 08, 1933
  • as Ensemble (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Mikado
Opened April 17, 1933
  • as Ensemble (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Firefly
Opened November 30, 1931
  • as Ensemble (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Naughty Marietta
Opened November 16, 1931
  • as Ensemble (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Chimes of Normandy
Opened November 02, 1931
  • as Ensemble (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Geisha
Opened October 05, 1931
  • as O Kinkoto San (Original)
  • as Ensemble (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Merry Widow
Opened September 07, 1931
  • as Lo-Lo (Original)
  • as Guest, Servant, Marsovian Dancing Men, Marsovian T (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Ruddigore
Opened August 10, 1931
  • as Chorus of Officers, Ancestors, Professional Brides (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Trial by Jury
Opened July 27, 1931
  • as Chorus of Jurymen, Bridesmaid and Public (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 H.M.S. Pinafore
Opened July 27, 1931
  • as Chorus (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Iolanthe
Opened July 13, 1931
  • as Chorus of Fairies, Dukes, Marquises, Earls, Viscou (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Pirates of Penzance
Opened June 29, 1931
  • as Chorus of Pirates, Police and General Stanley's Da (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Patience
Opened June 15, 1931
  • as Chorus of Rapturous Maidens and Dragoons (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Gondoliers
Opened June 01, 1931
  • as Chorus of Gondoliers, Contadine, etc. (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 H.M.S. Pinafore
Opened May 18, 1931
  • as Chorus (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Mikado
Opened May 04, 1931
  • as Chorus of School Girls, Nobles, Guards and Coolies (Original)

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