Harry Plimmer (Performer) | Playbill

Harry Plimmer


Roles (13)

Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Billy Draws a Horse
Opened December 21, 1939
  • as Grandpapa (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Victoria Regina
Opened October 03, 1938
  • as Archbishop of Canterbury (Original)
Victoria Regina Playbill - Feb 1936 Victoria Regina
Opened December 26, 1935
  • as Archbishop of Canterbury (Original)
Firebird Playbill - Dec 1932 Firebird
Opened November 21, 1932
  • as Janos (Original)
The School for Scandal Playbill - Nov 1931 The School for Scandal
Opened November 10, 1931
  • as Sir Oliver Surface (Original)
The Kingdom of God Playbill - January 1929 The Kingdom of God
Opened December 20, 1928
  • as Trajano (Original)
Pickwick Playbill - September 1927 Pickwick
Opened September 05, 1927
  • as Tracy Tupman, Esq (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Antonia
Opened October 20, 1925
  • as Richard (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Shall We Join the Ladies?
Opened January 13, 1925
  • as Sir Joseph Wrathie (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Laughing Lady
Opened February 12, 1923
  • as Hamilton Playgate (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 The Blue Lagoon
Opened September 14, 1921
  • as Guy Neborg, a castaway (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Declassee
Opened October 06, 1919
  • as Sir Bruce Haden (Original)

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