Multiple roles for Sixty Nine Seventy | Playbill


Multiple roles for Sixty Nine Seventy

CATEGORY: Performer

Michael Eichler productions
New York , NY


Paul Dederick

Job Details


Casting 3 roles for SIXTY NINE SEVENTY's run in New York Theater Festival's winter offerings. SIXTY NINE SEVENTY deals with the social & political events between 1969 and 1970 that lead to the infamous protest at Buffalo State College, and across the U.S., told through the perspectives of four college students struggling to find the right side of history.

Currently casting the following roles.
Barry - early 20’s, White, from Long Island N.Y., an outspoken irreverent, activist left wing junior. Though he comes of arrogant and bombastic, he is often on the mark with his criticism of "the system"

Sharon - 19, White, from an upper middle class Buffalo suburb, a Home Economics major sophomore. Grapples with the world as she understand it through her upbringing verses what she is seeing at school.

Andy - 19, from Buffalo’s East Side, a freshman commuter, working class Sociology major. Polite "small town" buffalo local, who finds his own voice and agency in how he can contribute with his activism.

Submissions will be accepted from 10/25 through 11/10.
Please submit a short slate(name, height and role) along with the 2 prepared monologues for the role via an accessible YouTube or Vimeo link.
Monologues for each character are below. Please feel free to reach out with any questions in the meantime.

Barry monologues


Our campus is full of morons. Thousands of idiots are walking around as if everything is fine. Fraternity boys, sorority girls, big men on campus, and that’s just the students. Then there’s the faculty and the administration. The people in charge. They’re worried about the student draft deferments being abolished. Then the only people left in their stupid college will be the lame the blind and the female. No, they actually said it in the paper. Page three… this war is never going to end until we force it to end. We got the ROTC out. But that’s not enough. The whole place has to be shut down. All the colleges around the country, they all have to be shut down. Did you see what that motherfucker Hershey, the head of Selective Service, did you hear what he said the other day? “Those that engage in in illegal activity will be put at the head of the list for induction.” He might as well have said, “Hey you there, yeah you, Barry. Get up to the front of the line. We’re going to send your ass to Vietnam so you can come back in a body bag.


I can really feel the rope burns. It’s as if they keep tightening a noose around my neck. It’s around all of our necks. Did you see the Record today? The story about the F.B.I. on the second page? It said Nixon admitted, hell, he announced, that the Justice Department will move on to any college campus that takes Federal money, which is pretty much every college campus, and infiltrate. Infiltrate! They are hiring over 11,000 new agents for the express purpose of spying on activists. My tax dollars at work. They’ll be swarming all over here, as if we’re the biggest threat to democracy.

Here we are trying to stop genocide, racism and pollution and we’re the threat to democracy. Nixon and his cronies are the ones who are tearing this country apart. They are the actual threat to democracy.

They are going to use us to tear the country apart in order to keep getting themselves elected. If that doesn’t work they’ll probably start shooting us one by one.

Sharon Monolgoues


I’m on my way to class, minding my own business, doing what I’m supposed to be doing, and there’s a bunch of them, and one of them comes up to me and says, “Hi I’m Barry. Do you want to stop the genocide? I mean he’s bordering on dirty. I wanted to ask him how long it had been since he took a shower. I didn’t even know what genocide means. All I wanted to do was get away from him, so I said ”Of course I do” because that’s what I thought he wanted to hear. He didn’t smile or nod or anything. He just gave me this pamphlet which I told him I would read later because I had to go to class. Well that was a huge mistake –telling him I actually wanted to go to class. But then I made an even bigger mistake. He asked me what class and I said, “Home Management.” He got really angry. He started screaming, “You’re a Home Economics major? Home Economics?” Like I said I was an ax murder or something.


I talked to my Mom and Dad and they want me to come home. I know, but they’re Republicans. My grandparents are Republican too. Mom was lukewarm for Nixon but my Dad loves him. He always says America has to act strong and we can’t think the Communists are our friends. Last year that would have been a good enough argument for me, but now, I’m not so sure.

Andy’s not crazy and he’s positive the war is wrong. He says we are fighting because the big corporations want us to, and he says the poor have to take on the biggest share of the risk. I love my parents and I don’t want to upset them. My mom said she thinks it’s dangerous for me to stay here. We have finals next week and if things get bad maybe they would cancel them. I want to go to Don Mclean’s show though. I won’t go home before that. It wouldn’t be fair to Andy.

Andy monologues


Man, I went to the coolest meeting today. I just showed up and they made me a member right on the spot. They even let me pick one of the speakers. We decided on everyone for the whole year. You have to negotiate the price, sign contracts, make the travel arrangements. Then you get to meet them, have dinner with them and introduce them. That guy, Barry, runs the whole thing. You know…Barry. He’s in the student paper pretty much every week. Yeah, he’s always going off on somebody and blasting them for their politics. Not just one issue, every issue…the draft, the environment, race relations, and especially the war. I made a suggestion for a speaker and it got approved. Maybe I can hold my own with these New York City kids after all.


He did it to provoke us. He wants us to react. He’s waiting for a response and he’s going to pounce on us. I can just feel it. He sat around and figured out how he’s got all the racists in his pocket, the construction workers, the suburbanites, they all us hate us. It shows that if you want to divide, you can divide. They’ll follow him wherever he takes them. Vietnam, Cambodia, China. Part of me says just go on out there and follow Barry and his crowd and part of me says I should just scoop up Sharon and keep her someplace where we would be safe. Don Mclean’s coming back to sing next week. Everyone can’t wait for him to perform again. I know it will be tense here, probably violent, but I don’t want to cancel him. I won’t cancel him. The more I think about it… Nixon might even start a nuclear war. I never thought I’d say this, but after Cambodia, he could. He’d cloak it all in patriotism and he’d paint all of us as traitors. I am not a traitor. When I really think it all through, I see my life and I have to do what’s right. I don’t want to be seventy years old and hate myself for what I didn’t do. Don should sing and then we should go out and shut this school down.


Dec 16, 2024 - Jan 25, 2025


$500.00 – $500.00 per gig



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