This is the true story... of fifteen strangers... picked to play the disciples…working together to create a brand-new rock musical... find out what happens... when people stop being polite... and start getting real...The Real World, A.D.
Colin Hanlon
Our backdrop: The Denver Center for the Performing Arts
Colin Hanlon
Our cast of characters. Jeannette Bayardelle, Heath Saunders, Mike Backes, Anthony Fedorov, Christina Sajous, Tony Vincent, Jordan Barbour, Brad Standley, Maximilian Sangerman, Colby Foytik, Gregory Treco, Jordan Leigh, Colin Hanlon, Andrew Mayer, Terence Archie.
Colin Hanlon
Somebody farted. Cast love. Jeannette Bayardelle, Heath Saunders, Mike Backes, Anthony Fedorov, Christina Sajous, Tony Vincent, Jordan Barbour, Brad Standley, Maximilian Sangerman, Colby Foytik, Gregory Treco, Jordan Leigh, Colin Hanlon, Andrew Mayer, Terence Archie. Erin Willis.
Colin Hanlon
Knee-deep in music rehearsals.
Colin Hanlon
Seeing our performance space for the first time- the beautiful Stage Theatre at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts.
Colin Hanlon
Teching a rock musical brings some fun lighting moments (kudos to Lap Chi Chu on his beautiful lighting design).
Colin Hanlon
Teching a rock musical where everything takes place in one room and just about everyone stays on stage the whole time inevitably means we’re going to take advantage of the rock star lighting. Pictured: Brad Standley (Phil).
Colin Hanlon
Andrew Mayer (Bart).
Colin Hanlon
Anthony Fedorov (Andrew).
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Colby Foytik (Jimmy).
Colin Hanlon
Gregory Treco (Simon).
Colin Hanlon
Gregory Treco (Simon).
Colin Hanlon
Andrew Mayer (Bart), Brad Standley (Phil).
Colin Hanlon
Tony Vincent (Tom), Maximilian Sangerman (Thad), Christina Sajous (Mary Magdalene).
Colin Hanlon
Just because the show is dramatic- doesn’t mean we have to be. Gregory Treco (Simon) and me.
Colin Hanlon
Photo Credit: Anthony Fedorov.
Colin Hanlon
Believe it or not, I did not win 'most dramatic cast member production photo.' I was shocked too.
Colin Hanlon
That honor went to the lovely Jeannette Bayardelle (Mother). Congratulations!
Colin Hanlon
And then the winner of our cast photo competition somehow ended up on the cover of the Denver Post. It’s like they knew!
Colin Hanlon
Jeannette backstage.
Colin Hanlon
New musicals also mean a lot of changes. Waiting for our fearless leaders, Richard Seyd (Director), Robert Schenkkan (Books and Lyrics), Neil Berg (Music and Lyrics) and Connor Gallaher (Choreographer) to begin a notes session.
Colin Hanlon
Brad Standley (Phil), Colby Foytik (Jimmy), and Maximilian Sangerman (Thad) going over notes.
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Gregory Treco (Simon) rehearsing with the band.
Colin Hanlon
Anthony Fedorov (Andrew) practicing his guitar.
Colin Hanlon
Another dramatic lighting photo of Gregory Treco (Simon) for good measure.
Colin Hanlon
Lots of laughter with this cast. Terence Archie (John), Jordan Barbour (James), Colin Hanlon Pete), Colby Foytik (Jimmy), Christina Sajous (Mary Magdalene), Maximilian Sangerman (Thad), Tony Vincent (Tom).
Colin Hanlon
The ladies of the cast- they keep us from turning into Lord of the Flies. Erin Willis (Swing), Jeannette Bayardelle (Mother), Christina Sajous (Mary Magdalene).
Colin Hanlon
Getting our disciple on.
Colin Hanlon
The 12.
Colin Hanlon
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