WTF artistic associate Justin Waldman directs Samuel J. and K., which will run through July 18 on the Nikos Stage. Justin Long ("Ed," "Jeepers Creepers") and Owiso Odera (Shakespeare in the Park's Romeo and Juliet) co-star.
"Samuel J. surprises his adopted brother, Samuel K., with a trip back to his birth country of Cameroon for college graduation — but Samuel K. has no desire to face a place and a past that abandoned him. This hard-charging play challenges the traditional definitions of family and asks if a place we've only imagined can become home overnight," WTF notes state.
Designing the production are Adam Stockhausen (scenic design), Nicole Jescinth Smith (costume design), Marcus Doshi (lighting design) and Bart Fasbender (sound design).
Smart's plays include 13th of Paris, The Bebop Heard in Okinawa, Beneficiaries, Chopin's Preludes, CouchWorks, The Hopper Collection and the book to the musical Keep Ishmael.
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