Directed by Brett Smock, the cast comprises Matthew Gumley (Jim Hawkins), Jamie Jackson (Long John Silver), Zachary James (Israel Hands), Nick Dalton (George Merry), Kevin McGuire (Squire Trelawney), Howard Kaye (Captain Smollett), Erik Liberman (Ben Gunn/O’Brien), Daniel C. Levine (Abraham Gray), Eric Anderson (Billy Bones/Redruth), Don Burroughs (Pew/Thomas Morgan), Mike Masters (Dr. Livesey), Bruce Warren (Black Dog/Job), Matthew Farcher (Dick) and Trisha Rapier (Mother).
The new musical features a book by director Smock and Carla Vitale, who is also the dramaturg, with a score by Corinne Aquilina.
Treasure Island, A New Musical is described as "a daring adventure that re-examines the essence of heroism, the journey to maturity and the strength of the human psyche in the face of harrowing conditions."
About the new musical director/librettist Smock told previously, "We focus on young Jim's coming-of-age journey and his relationship with the complicated and cunning Long John Silver. We narrowed down the book's many characters to 14 critical ones: 12 men, one boy and a mother. This gives us a tight group of compelling individuals and we use them as devices to explore the work's thematic content — the nature of greed and its consequences, the futility of desire and the adherance to one's moral compass. So while it is indeed family fare, it's a musical adventure that uses the larger themes as critical guideposts."
Industry folk interested in attending the performance should e-mail [email protected].
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