The companies of national touring productions bring their joy to theatres all over the country—but that means missing out on being home for the holidays. So how do national touring companies celebrate while on the road? Cast members from Phantom of the Opera, Jersey Boys, The Sound of Music, and more share their traveling traditions.
Flip through the photos they shared below:
Jersey Boys Tour: Bob with the Jersey Girls - Tommaso Antico with Caitlin Leary, Tristen Buettel, Michelle Rombola, and Dianna Barger
Jersey Boys Tour: Chris Stevens and some sweet holiday treats.
Jersey Boys Tour: Decorated bus.
Jersey Boys Tour: Chris Stevens and company Manager Deb Barrigan.
Jersey Boys Tour: Chris Stevens, Jonny Wexler, Corey Greenan, and Tommaso Antico
The Sound of Music Tour: Celebrating Hanukkah
Phantom of the Opera Tour: Make-up station
Phantom of the Opera Tour Door Decorating: Christine's Door
Phantom of the Opera Tour Door Decorating: Management office
Phantom of the Opera Tour Door Decorating: The Girys
Phantom of the Opera Tour Door Decorating: Female ensemble
Phantom of the Opera Tour Door Decorating: Men ensemble
Phantom of the Opera Tour : Olaf at the tech booth
Phantom of the Opera Tour Door Decorating: Phantom's door
Phantom of the Opera Tour Door Decorating: Principal Men
Finding Neverland Tour: The Llewelyn Davies Boys enjoying the City Lights in Fayetteville, NC.
Finding Neverland Tour: Christmas tree lighting in East Lansing, MI.
Finding Neverland Tour: Christmas Lights in Fayetteville, AR.
Chicago Tour: Christmastime high tea at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, BC.
Chicago Tour: Colt Adam Weiss, Taylor Collins, Santa, and Dan Gutierrez
Chicago Tour: Michal Kiloczkowski, Matthew Winnegge, Dan Gutierrez, Christophe Caballero, Adam Vanek, Colt Adam Weiss, Taylor Collins, and Deon Ridley
Chicago Tour: Taylor Collins - my station in Victoria, BC.
Chicago Tour: Dylan Rytall, Laura Oldham, Taylor Collins, Colt Weiss, and Tiffany Millard
Chicago Tour: Lauren Gemelli shows off her decorated station courtesy of her Secret Santa.
Chicago Tour: The Merry Murderesses of the Cook County Jail in their mugshot with Santa.
Chicago Tour: Christophe Caballero shows off his Secret Santa Decorations for Fellow Tour Mate.
Les Misérables Tour: Allison Guinn (Madame Thénardier), Michelle Beth Herman (Swing), and Amelia Cormack (Ensemble) share a song. Click here to view.