The show, which is based on James Patterson’s novel "The Thomas Berryman Number," will feature Rashad as Georgina Howe, a gay woman in Washington who works in a Civil Rights Division and has been discriminated against due to her sexual orientation and race.
Ava DuVernay ("Selma," "Scandal") will direct the pilot, which explores Howe's conflicts with loyalty to her family and her co-workers.
Rashad's acting credits include Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Gem of the Ocean, A Raisin in the Sun and Jelly's Last Jam. The three-time Emmy nominee's screen work includes "The Cosby Show," "For Colored Girls" and "A Raisin in the Sun."
The pilot was written by Rene Balcer, who is also serving as an executive producer along with DuVernay, Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal, James Patterson, Bill Robinson and Leopoldo Gout.