Jeremy Jordan is the latest Broadway star to get his own Sardi's caricature, at an unveiling ceremony January 17. Jordan just finished up his run in The Great Gatsbyon Broadway January 19 and will step into Floyd Collinsat Lincoln Center beginning March 27 (with an opening night of April 21).
At the Sardi's event, Jordan's wife Ashley Spencer gave a speech about Jordan's career and his love for his craft, as well as his devotion to his family.
The Sardi's caricatures are displayed on the wall of Sardi's restaurant 234 W 44th St, and features luminaries in the field of music, film, theatre, and dance. See Jordan's caricature unveiling, and him signing his portrait, in the gallery below.
Photos: Jeremy Jordan Sardi's Caricature Unveiling
Photos: Jeremy Jordan Sardi's Caricature Unveiling