Directed by Brady Schwind with choreography by Imara Quiñónez, the cast will feature Emily Lopez as Carrie White, Misty Cotton as Margaret White, Kayla Parker as Sue Snell, Jon Robert Hall as Tommy Ross, Valerie Rose Curiel as Chris Hargensen, Jenelle Lynn Randall as Miss Gardner, Garrett Marshall as Billy Nolan, Bryan Dobson as Mr. Stephens and Reverend Bliss, Michael Starr as George Dawson, Adante Carter as Dale "Stokes" Ullman, Ian Littleworth as Freddy "The Beak" Holt, Kimberly Ann Steele as Helen Shyres, Rachel Farr as Norma Watson and Teya Patt as Frieda Jason.
Rounding out the cast are Carly Bracco, Lyle Colby Mackston, Kevin Patrick Doherty, Chris Meissner and Amy Segal.
Performances will continue through April 5.
Based on the acclaimed novel by Stephen King, this re-imagined production of Carrie the Musical will reunite the original creative team and will include a revised book by Lawrence D. Cohen (screenwriter of the film), lyrics by Academy Award winner Dean Pitchford (Fame, Footloose) and music by Academy Award winner Michael Gore (Fame, "Terms of Endearment").
According to press notes, "La Mirada Theatre will be completely transformed into Ewen High School, putting audiences, for the first time ever, at the center of the action in this bold and thrilling twist on the now-classic musical." Two-time Tony Award-winning Broadway producers Bruce Robert Harris and Jack W. Batman (Pippin, Clybourne Park, On The Town) are working closely with Brian Kite, La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts and the creative team on this developmental production, aimed for major productions around the country.
Here's how they bill the musical: "Taunted by her peers at school and terrorized by her religious zealot mother at home, Carrie the Musical tells the haunting tale of 17-year-old Carrie White. Lonely and tormented, Carrie discovers she has a shocking secret power. But when a prank at her high school prom goes horribly wrong, everyone finds just how powerful a secret can be."
Producers Bruce Robert Harris and Jack W. Batman added, "The story of Carrie has endured in the popular consciousness for decades, but no one has ever experienced it from this point of view. The idea of placing the audience in the center of this world was just too tantalizing to resist. We are working closely with the creative team to present an exciting new production of this reimagined, environmental/immersive staging of Carrie the Musical. If all goes well at La Mirada, we are planning future productions for cities around the world, probably kicking off with Las Vegas, New Orleans and Toronto. It's going to be a thrilling ride."
The creative team includes Stephen Gifford (set), Adriana Lambarri (costumes), Brian Gale(lights), Cricket S. Myers (sound), Jim Steinmeyer (illusion design), Brian Kennedy (music director/conductor), Adam Wachter (music supervisor), Michael Donovan (casting) and Buck Mason (general manager). The production stage manager is Heidi Westrom.
Carrie the Musical is produced by La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts (Brian Kite, producing artistic director), Bruce Robert Harris and Jack W. Batman, and The Transfer Group; associate producers are Joe Everett Michaels, Robb Nanus, Lisa Reich and Jane Lynch.
La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts is located at 14900 La Mirada Blvd. For tickets, visit or call (562) 944-9801 or (714) 994-6310. For more information on the production, visit