The production is directed by David Fuller, with music direction by Michael Harren. American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco staged a production of the Feingold translation, directed by Carey Perloff, in June 2006.
Cabaret performer Lorinda Lisitza will play Hallelujah Lil, and Joey Piscopo will play Bill Cracker. The cast also includes Greg Horton (Dr. Nakamura), David Tillistrand (Sam "Mammy" Wurlitzer), Cristiane Young (Major Stone), Tim McDonough (Baby Face), Judith Jarosz (The Fly), Tim Morton (The Professor), David Arthur Bachrach (The Reverend), Allen Hale (Brother Ben), Aaron Diehl (The Cop), Michael C. O'Day (Brother Hannibal), Sandy York (Sister Jane), Megan Loomis (Sister Mary) and Elizabeth Fye (Miriam).
According to press notes, "Written on the heels of the phenomenally successful Threepenny Opera, Happy End, which premiered in Berlin in 1929, again takes to task the disparity between the 'Haves' versus the 'Have-nots.' In the underworld of Chicago, 1919, a Salvation Army Lieutenant, Lillian Holiday, a/k/a Hallelujah Lil, tries to reform a gangster, Bill Cracker, whose mob is led by the mysterious Lady in Grey (also known as 'The Fly'). During the course of the salvation, they fall in love, a robbery gets bungled, murder is attempted, there's a surprise reuniting and a 'happy' ending."
Songs include "The Bilbao Song," "The Sailor's Tango," "Song of the Big Shot," "The Mandalay Song" and "Surabaya Johnny."
Giles Hogya will design both sets and lights for the production. The costumes will be designed by Viviane Galloway. For reservations call (212) 288-3246, ext. 3 or visit Theater Ten Ten is located at 1010 Park Avenue, between 84th and 85th Streets.