*beep beep beep* "Noooooo" (me basically every morning)
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Cookie agrees.
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But then we're like, "It's Playbill Two-show photo day!" and we tried to take a selfie. This is what trying to take a selfie with my dog looks like.
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Twenty minutes later... Cookie's all "I woke up like this."
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Breakfast! (Spinach, banana, almond milk, strawberry, protein smoothie)
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What I look at while enjoying the smoothie! In the Heights! I love our view.
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The morning routine. Some yoga and core strengthening, and working through a knee aggravation, so a LOT of rolling out quad/it band...
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Packing for the day! I have a couple of auditions between shows today, so shoes, dress, sides, etc...
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Kiss the hubs goodbye...
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And I'm off!
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First up, Starbucks with my handsome friend, Mark Eric Gomez. He writes plays and is super talented. He is also a goofball. :-) Then I'm off to catch the subway.
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I'm here! Come and meet those dancin' feet...
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Our glamorous and mysterious stage door. There's either a Broadway theatre on the other side, or something out of "Law & Order: SVU"...
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Heading in the stage door takes you basically onto the stage, where the crew is pre-setting the show. We have such a fabulous crew! This is Emily with our huge locomotive piece as it's flown until needed in the 2nd act.
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The "Hair Honeys"! Nellie, Mary, Tom, and Raven. That dark space behind them is where bad pins go to die. It's a fishhook graveyard, friends.
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The perfectly placed roller. Now you know Kristin's beauty secret. ;-)
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No contest. Coffee. Matinees are early.
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Stage management thinks if they put their office in the caviest corner of the basement we won't find them... They are mistaken! Best SM team ever! Scott, Sam, and Matt (who is hiding somewhere).
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Checking in with Larry in the pit!
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It's official. I'm here.
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I'm ready to attempt the beautification...
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Carly, our terrific company manager, climbs all the stairs (we're on the 5th floor) to come see us every show! Buns of steel!
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OUR PERFECT PORTERS! Phillip Attmore, Richard Riaz Yoder, Rick Faugno, and Drew King. Richard's crocheting a Porter-ready scarf!
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We are READY to repent!
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Raven puts the finishing touch on my look with a beautiful wig.
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The before and after!
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Dresses in need of french ladies. Our backstage space is tiny so all quick changes are done in a hallway or stairwell. Glamorous!
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Kevin Stites, our fearless conducting leader, starts us off.
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I call this my "cupcake dress". Ready for Veronique!
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Moe, Kristin's fabulous dresser, waits on a ladder to make magic happen with a super quick change on the stage above...
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The button of "Sign, Lily, Sign." Riotous applause is happening!
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Playing dress up with Erica!
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Andy Karl is smokin'.
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Leading men waiting for the curtain to rise on Act 2...
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Andy gets his workout on with KC during Act 1.
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SM Matt with Fallon and Dale, just two of our terrific wardrobe team.
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Kristin, Sean Hayes is here to see you!
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A workout in the downtime...
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Moe touches up the paint on Kristin's shoes between shows.
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KC is very serious about putting on this lash. Peter isn't worried.
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A typical sight. Jim Moye and the boys of dressing room 5 cracking dresser, Ksusha, up.
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Just a few of our beautiful gals backstage! Jen Foote, Bahiya Hibah, and Erica Mansfield.
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Paula plays Sleeping Beauty.
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Show one done! Audition-fest begun! ...A girl's gotta work.
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Last looks before I go in...
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Look who I found! Gayle Seay! Clearly we have no fun together...
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A little post-audition, pre-show sushi treat. A girl's gotta eat.
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The craziness that is where I work.
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And we're back! One down, one to go!
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Mark is thrilled for his haircut. :-)
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Found this critter wandering the hall. Madeline Kahn Chenoweth! We love little Maddy!
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She's on the move...
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4 women in a dressing room. The calm before the storm...
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10 minutes to put my feet up! Ahhhhh...
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Places! Matt checks names off the list as we arrive on stage.
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A quick stretch before the train gets rolling.
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Selfies! With Mead (Box Office), Kenny (crew who I went to college with! Small world!), Kevin (cast), and Beth (my fabulous dresser!)
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An Andy prepares.
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Mary Louise buttons her number to wild applause!
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Getting in character to cartwheel as the Letitia stunt double.
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Our Porters looking great during "Life is Like a Train".
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Porters backstage feeling good!
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Two-show day shenanigans! :-) This is what happens when you have juuust enough backstage time on your hands...
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With Kristin on the train during the second act.
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Escorting the "Nut" off the train. That means finale time!
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When the audience heads home we get to say hi to friends and family at the show. Quite a view.
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Signing autographs at the stage door. Long line!
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And just like that (okay, a few minutes later), I'm home again.
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Plenty of pup snuggles at the end of a long day! Till next time, Playbill!
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