Welcome to the Lucie Stern Theatre in Palo Alto, CA! It’s such a beautiful theatre and the set looks amazing. It’s time to start tech!
Alex Goley
The cast starts work on the automation for “The Crossing.”
Alex Goley
Music Director Billy Liberatore preps the pit for our first dress rehearsal.
Alex Goley
Our backstage “Billy Cam.” Always hard at work! I promise he’s not sleeping.
Alex Goley
I had two coloring sessions and four – count ‘em, four – haircuts for Huck. I kinda like this look.
Alex Goley
Our lovely Properties Master Sarah Lowe holds two of Big River’s biggest stars. “How ‘bout a hand for the catfish?...or the hog?”
Alex Goley
“My other ride is a raft.” James Iglehart shows off his ride.
Alex Goley
James and I kill time singing songs at the non-functional reed organ.
Alex Goley
Our tarts of the show. Nice pose, ladies!
Alex Goley
Cast love. Similar to Quest Love, but not. L-R: Brenna Wahl, Dawn L. Troupe, Cyril Cooper (back), Katie Jane Martin (front) and James Monroe Iglehart
Alex Goley
Where’s my chocolate, Tracy? Tracy Camp fuels up during tech.
Alex Goley
This is what happens when you let the girls’ dressing room borrow your computer…
Alex Goley
Jackson Davis puts on his face for the top of the show.
Alex Goley
Huck is barefoot for the majority of the show, so I got these sweet slippers for walking around backstage. So comfy, I’ve almost walked on stage in them…twice.
Alex Goley
Little known fact: Jim LOVED graphic novels.
Alex Goley
Gary Martinez, my Pap, enjoys dinner in between shows on one of our two show days. This man cracks me up!
Alex Goley
Jackson puts a damp towel in the freezer before the top of the show. This is how he cools down during intermission, after running around on stage as “The Duke.”
Alex Goley
Meet Anne Hambly! She’s a wonderful donor to TheatreWorks and was the winner of our walk-on role for “The Nonesuch” scene and the first scene in the Wilkes house. Great job Anne!
Alex Goley
After one of the student matinees, our car was swarmed by adoring teens. This must be what it’s like to be Justin Bieber…in a musical.
Alex Goley
Scott Reardon, Cyril Jamal Cooper, Dawn L. Troupe, Katie Jane Martin, Alex Goley (me), and Brenna Wahl, enjoying the opening night reception.
Alex Goley
What a wonderful company this is! Come see Big River at TheatreWorks!
Alex Goley