Rene and Lordis getting ready for tech rehearsal!
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The Girls working together on Mersister Makeup
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Dennis stopping in to say, “Break a Leg!”
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Jessica and Me snapping a pic of our new costumes and hair!
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Katie loving Nicole’s new look!
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The beautiful Paper Mill after a long day of work!
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The doors of the theater.
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Lisa, Nicole and Lauryn in the green room on a ten.
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Happy Birthday Ed Watts!! Thanks for the cake, Rod!!
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King Triton cuts the cake on his birthday.
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The cast, anxiously awaiting the cake.
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Jessica takes over!
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Ed looking at his humorous balloons
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A messy, but delicious cake it was.
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Beautiful costumes, waiting to make their Paper Mill debut.
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My station!!
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Backstage before the show with props and set pieces
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Such a pretty Princess.
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“We changed our last entrance right? No?...”
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With the wig experts.
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Kristine double checking the notes from the other runs
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Ward signing in for the day.
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Glenn, Megan and Mark getting ready for the afternoon
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Erica putting on her eyelashes
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Ward, Thay and Nicole excited to start the show!
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Ward showing off his tail
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Debbie, Ed, Christian and Sharon cheesing before the show
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Katie’s opening night dress!
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Look at this bird! Matt Allen showing off his feathers!
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Kim calling the show! Look at all of those monitors she has to keep track of!
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The stunning opening scene complete with Prince Eric’s boat, and a flying Ariel.
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Two Ariels?! Lauryn looking gorgeous, getting ready for her next flight!
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Liz, Scott and Sean Patrick making plans to take back the ocean from King Triton
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“We are the daughters of Triton!”
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DPW time! (Dance Party Warm-up)
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Backstage look at “Ariel’s Grotto” and some other set pieces
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“Under the Sea” costumes
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Robbie and Ron cheesing before act 2
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These maid costumes are so big, they don’t even fit in our dressing rooms!
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Sean Patrick and Scott creeping around the corner...
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Getting into character… I think?
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Princesses on and off the stage.
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We call her “PerfeKshun”… for obvious reasons
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Opening night treats from Jessica!
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It may be raining, but that won’t stop our party!
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Jessica being a star.
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I can’t believe I get to understudy her!
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Matt and his wife looking wonderful at the after party.
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Some very handsome men enjoying the celebration.
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My dates to the party, Mom and Dad!
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Todd and Craig looking dapper after a lot of hard work.
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Patrick Parker looking handsome as ever.
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Christian! I love him!!!
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Erica and Alex looking fantastic.
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Robbie and James enjoying a drink at the Martini Bar.
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Jessica, Lisa and friends having a laugh.
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Ed "King Triton" Watts and me!
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Glenn and Ward celebrate a job well done.
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Glenn, Rod and me!
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The amazing cast! Five weeks only at Paper Mill! Get your tickets before we sell out!
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