First day on tour together
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
Our make shift kitchen. Normally we have a hotel suite with a kitchen, but we have to make do here in Little Rock.
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
Some mornings, it's smoothies for breakfast...
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
Some mornings it's the breakfast bar at the Marriott.
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
Family Skype time with Tim Shew
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
Gym time! Zach Hensler and Jonathan lift while...
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
The ladies do planks...
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
With Kelly Felthous and Emily Behny
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
Jonathan's Opening Night at the Robinson Theater in Little Rock
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
Little Rock has "greenified" the fountain outside the theater
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
Jonathan's opening night gifts
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
Jane's dressing station... pics of the family always within reach
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
Pal Sterling Masters in the ladies ensemble
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
Celebrating a birthday on the road... with Bridie Carroll
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
No rehearsal today... so we get to do fun things like shop the local farmer's market.
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
... see the local sites like the Clinton Library... and...
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
A fun night out celebrating a birthday and new job!
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew
All packed up and on to the next city!
Jane Brockman and Jonathan Shew