It’s a 2-show day and we’re starting it with some relaxation. My fiancé Kate and I enjoying the deck at our new apartment. Yes, sometimes it is sunny enough to wear shorts in Seattle!
Don Darryl Rivera
Brusha, brusha, brusha!
Don Darryl Rivera
Vera’s Restaurant in Ballard. Kate and I go here every Sunday morning for breakfast, before we head over to the Ballard Farmer’s Market.
Don Darryl Rivera
Gotta eat something to keep my girlish figure!
Don Darryl Rivera
Kate's really excited for breakfast! And she should be – great food here!
Don Darryl Rivera
After breakfast, we head to our neighborhood farmer's market. And yes, it’s just as fantastic as it looks.
Don Darryl Rivera
Fresh berries and farm fresh eggs! Who could ask for anything more?
Don Darryl Rivera
I’m arriving at work for the Sunday matinee, and people are lining up around the block to see our show! It’s such an exciting feeling!
Don Darryl Rivera
Signing in. I usually forget to, but I just wanted to take a picture of me doing it. You know, for posterity!
Don Darryl Rivera
Somehow actors always know when a camera is around! Some of our fantastic cast dressed as real people: Connor Russel, Nick DeSantis, Seán G. Griffin, Kenway Hon Wai K. Kua, Adam Jacobs, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, C.J. Eldred and Creighton Oliver.
Don Darryl Rivera
It was Daniel Watts’ birthday! Blow out the candle and enjoy some carrot cake!
Don Darryl Rivera
Candid? What's candid? Getting ready for the show with the friendly support of some of my fellow cast members: Nikki Long, Daisy Hobbs, Ronald Duncan and David Janett. Also on the right is the stunning costume design for my character by Gregg Barnes.
Don Darryl Rivera
Gettin' my hair did. And by that, I mean put on.
Don Darryl Rivera
Dressed and ready – check out the cool hat. It makes me almost as tall as Jafar.
Don Darryl Rivera
Who says only sultans get to have harems?
Don Darryl Rivera
Seán G. Griffin, myself and Jonathan Freeman enjoying our long intermission.
Don Darryl Rivera
Adam Jacobs dressed up as Prince Ali, myself, and James Monroe Iglehart in Genie garb, also enjoying our long intermission.
Don Darryl Rivera
Between shows we take a break and I get some dinner with friends at Gordon Biersch. From left to right: Kim, Bailey, myself, Steve and Adam. Also, turns out watermelon lemonade.... super delicious!
Don Darryl Rivera
Our PA Emily transporting all our yoga gear from the rehearsal studios to the theatre. I asked her if she needed help and then promptly took a picture. That's how I helped.
Don Darryl Rivera
The between-show ironing party. Only the dressers are invited though...
Don Darryl Rivera
Clifford, our stage manager, keeps the show rockin' and rollin'!
Don Darryl Rivera
The ladies getting ready for the spotlight.
Don Darryl Rivera
Friends, family and fans waiting by the stage door! Thanks for spending the day with us!
Don Darryl Rivera
It’s a 2-show day and we’re starting it with some relaxation. My fiancé Kate and I enjoying the deck at our new apartment. Yes, sometimes it is sunny enough to wear shorts in Seattle!
Don Darryl Rivera
Brusha, brusha, brusha!
Don Darryl Rivera
Vera’s Restaurant in Ballard. Kate and I go here every Sunday morning for breakfast, before we head over to the Ballard Farmer’s Market.
Don Darryl Rivera
After breakfast, we head to our neighborhood farmer's market. And yes, it’s just as fantastic as it looks.
Don Darryl Rivera
Fresh berries and farm fresh eggs! Who could ask for anything more?
Don Darryl Rivera
It was Daniel Watts’ birthday! Blow out the candle and enjoy some carrot cake!
Don Darryl Rivera
Candid? What's candid? Getting ready for the show with the friendly support of some of my fellow cast members: Nikki Long, Daisy Hobbs, Ronald Duncan and David Janett. Also on the right is the stunning costume design for my character by Gregg Barnes.
Don Darryl Rivera
Gettin' my hair did. And by that, I mean put on.
Don Darryl Rivera
Dressed and ready – check out the cool hat. It makes me almost as tall as Jafar.
Don Darryl Rivera
Seán G. Griffin, myself and Jonathan Freeman enjoying our long intermission.
Don Darryl Rivera
Between shows we take a break and I get some dinner with friends at Gordon Biersch. From left to right: Kim, Bailey, myself, Steve and Adam. Also, turns out watermelon lemonade.... super delicious!
Don Darryl Rivera
Our PA Emily transporting all our yoga gear from the rehearsal studios to the theatre. I asked her if she needed help and then promptly took a picture. That's how I helped.
Don Darryl Rivera
The ladies getting ready for the spotlight.
Don Darryl Rivera