I wake up, and who is there to greet me?
Michael Arden
Warming up. It’s a very good place to start.
Michael Arden
My fiancé, in the throws of Esmeralda.
Michael Arden
Cleaning up the mess I made from the night before.
Michael Arden
Channeling Frollo, post shower.
Michael Arden
Ready to make my way to the Cast Van.
Michael Arden
Making my daily stop at Juice Generation.
Michael Arden
Our chariot awaits.
Michael Arden
Andrew Samonsky, aka “Dad” and “Phoebus” looking far too cheery for the hour.
Michael Arden
Our driver for the day, and incredible Quasi Stand-by, Julian Decker.
Michael Arden
My Aloha Acai bowl that I eat everyday on the way to Paper Mill.
Michael Arden
Hello, NYC!
Michael Arden
Goodbye, NYC!
Michael Arden
Ian Patrick Gibb, Samantha Massell, Ciara Renee and Nora Menken. My van buddies.
Michael Arden
We like to race the other cast members. We wound up beating them, don’t worry.
Michael Arden
Arriving at our home for the next 12 hours. PAPER MILL!
Michael Arden
It’s very important to sign in.
Michael Arden
Our ASM, the lovely Jennifer Wheeler Kahn.
Michael Arden
The quiet before the storm.
Michael Arden
Getting limber before fight call.
Michael Arden
Everyone seems to be very interested in something at the Feast of Fools.
Michael Arden
King of the Gypsies, Erik Liberman. I’ve never seen him without this hat.
Michael Arden
Master of the House, Matthew William Shiner. Our glorious and hysterical PSM.
Michael Arden
Paper Mill’s finest dressers, Jacky and Debbie. Ready for anything.
Michael Arden
Getting into mic. It’s almost as if it’s not even there…
Michael Arden
27. Finger puppet of Quasi made by my dear friend Nicola. He was made in London and traveled all the way to Paper Mill to ring the bells. He’s wondering if winter will ever end.
Michael Arden
Daily warm up song. My girl, Sia, really helps. I imagine swimming from bells as opposed to the chandelier.
Michael Arden
Dad making sure he doesn’t have bad breath when kissing Esmeralda. I keep telling him, this isn’t historically accurate, but he insists on being a gentleman.
Michael Arden
A sneaky picture from the wings as the house begins to fill.
Michael Arden
Look at all the people! At all the people.
Michael Arden
Producing Artistic Director, Mark Hoebee auditioning to play Clopin. We’ll be in touch, Mark.
Michael Arden
Post matinee, it’s very important when playing a Hunchback to get some Physical Therapy. Sigrid sets me right.
Michael Arden
Sorry, Quasi. It’s still winter.
Michael Arden
I go through 4 of these a day… I’m a sweater.
Michael Arden
A steam before the second show.
Michael Arden
Nora, Beth Kirkpatrick and Ian love the Millburn Deli. I think I now own stock.
Michael Arden
Fight call before the second show. We don’t want anyone to really get hurt.
Michael Arden
Ciara Renee doesn’t want to have to be burned alive AGAIN today. But she must.
Michael Arden
See, she’s already feeling more optimistic.
Michael Arden