The day begins at the diner with some light show research...
David Abeles
Then back home for my neighbors' favorite time - ACCORDION PRACTICE!
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Luckily, my wife Stacey LOVES it!
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Out and about - maybe I'll stop by my last gig and say hi to my Once family...oh wait, they're already getting ready for their matinee. I guess Guinness is grand at 2 pm, but you gotta wait until 5 for the Russian vodka!
David Abeles
Still time to say hi to my sister, Lynne, before she does her matinée of Phantom! She's a Carlotta cover and in the Ensemble.
David Abeles
Just happened to bump into my brother, Daniel, and his girlfriend Samantha Hill. (Seriously, I did just bump into them - totally unplanned.) Sam was also running to Phantom (she was Christine!) and you may recognize Dan from "Smash"
David Abeles
Ok, Ok...I'll have a quick cookie. Schmackery's is the BEST and WORST thing to happen to our neighborhood. The place is irresistible. Hadn't tried this kind before - something with white chocolate, macadamia and coconut...and I loved it.
David Abeles
It's Broadway Barks!
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This guy is hungry, I guess
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Almost took this little guy home with me - so cute! I'm definitely getting a Golden Retriever one day...obviously :)
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Met up with Stacey in between her commercial auditions. We like hanging out in this community garden - good for a breath of fresh air...
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...and a little zen :)
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Ok - time to get to work. Been rocking the Citibike - gets me downtown in no time!
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See - I'm already here! And I even have a bit of time to spare to enjoy the highline.
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There's our tent - packed in nicely between DVF and The Standard Hotel
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Wise words
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David Abeles
It's Jonathan Ivie - our sub Conductor! We never have a problem seeing him for our cues.
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Backstage - lots of curtains - one big tent
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Blake Delong and Nick Choksi. Just Chillin'.
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Azudi Onyejekwe getting warmed up with some energy snacks
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Belton has arrived!
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Nick Belton and Brittain Ashford know it's important to lock up your valuables
David Abeles
I don't know what sunflower seed butter is...but Lauren Zakrin swears by it, so it must be good.
David Abeles
Russian smiles with Phillipa Soo
David Abeles
Ok - first show's over, which means we have 45 minutes to eat. Luke Holloway and Hiroyuki Matsuura (our sub drummer) gettin into some barbecue.
David Abeles
Sure it's 96 degrees, but Ashkon Davaran, Nick Choksi, Amber Gray, and John Murchison don't appear to be sweating it.
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It's like a big family meal!
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Wait, 5 minutes til half hour again...?! Seriously?
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Mariand Torres. Candy Crushing it.
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Lucas Steele and his show sister, Amber Gray. My show wife and brother-in-law
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Any funny business going on at The Standard?
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Catherine Brookman and James Steele (our ASM) spreading the love.
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I'm totally about to steal Choksi's cookie
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Blake Delong is a superhero...in underpants.
David Abeles
Gonna need some more of that coffee, Nick
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There's the 5-minute call. Better get the guitar on.
David Abeles
Oh wait...wrong show!
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That's more like it.
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Brittain and Ashkon giving you pierogi fierceness.
David Abeles
Intermission - time to write intimate notes to the audience.
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It gives Luke wings.
David Abeles
A show with this many redheads has gotta be awesome!
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Offstage, husband and wife really like each other! Onstage...not so much :(
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11:15... still intermission. Gonna push through!
David Abeles
Lucas has got the right idea.
David Abeles
All done! One drink to celebrate and then back tomorrow for a 1 pm show! Come see us at Kazino!
David Abeles