Michael Feinstein and guests
Playbill Travel
Nikki M. James and guests
John Lloyd Young and guest
Paulo Szot greeting guests on the top deck
Sunset in Bordeaux
Nikki M. James and husband Derek
Guests in a citadel in Blaye
Guests in the citadel
Guests and Nikki M. James
Steps in Blaye
Visit to the Rémy Martin distillery
Visit to the Rémy Martin distillery
Visit to the Rémy Martin distillery
Michael Feinstein
Michael Feinstein with Tedd Firth on piano performing for guests on the ship
Michael Feinstein
Guests in Cussac-Fort Medoc going to taste local oysters
Local oyster tasting in Cussac-Fort Medoc
Guests at Chateau Prieure Lichine
Chateau Prieure Lichine
Guests in the cellar at Chateau Prieure Lichine
Guests tasting wine at Chateau Prieure Lichine
Guests about to go bike riding in Pauillac
Chateau Beychevelle
Guests walking through Chateau Beychevelle
Wine tasting at Chateau Beychevelle
John Lloyd Young
John Lloyd Young
Playbill Travel
John Lloyd Young
Guests visiting Chateau Filhot to taste the sauternes the vineyard is famous for
Guests visiting Chateau Filhot to taste the sauternes the vineyard is famous for
Wine at the Chateau Filhot
Guests visiting and having a meal with a Sauternes wine pairing at the Royal Castle of Cazeneuve
Guests visiting and having a meal with a Sauternes wine pairing at the Royal Castle of Cazeneuve
Nikki M. James and guest
Nikki M. James and Playbill Travel Guest Relations Manager Jana Mallo