From the Camera of Kerry Washington...on assignment for Playbill!
Kerry Washington
"We're across from the Chelsea Market... Sometimes there are classical performances inside the market. It's a good start to the day."
Kerry Washington
"We're rehearsing at the Atlantic Theatre Company..."
Kerry Washington
"NYU has a partnership with them, so you hear the students doing warm-ups and going over their lines. It's nice to be sharing the space with kids who are in college and prepping for a life in the theatre."
Kerry Washington
"I had to go to Washington, so I was gone for a little bit, and when I came back, they put up a Welcome Home sign for me!"
Kerry Washington
"It's fun being the only girl…I'm hearing a lot of jokes that I normally wouldn't hear."
Kerry Washington
A candid of co-star David Alan Grier...
Kerry Washington
...and Richard Thomas
Kerry Washington
(the Race team takes a quick cat-nap before getting back to work)
Kerry Washington
The two "Davids" (Mamet and Alan Grier) during some downtime at rehearsal (reading Mamet's book "Writing in Restaurants")
Kerry Washington
A quick check of the phone...
Kerry Washington
Famous photographer Brigitte Lacombe taking some candid shots of rehearsal
Kerry Washington
(co-Star David Alan Grier "stole my camera and took some really funny photos")
Kerry Washington