Directed by Nick Demos, the cast will include John Bolton, Gerard Canonico, Justin Guarini, Rachel Bay Jones, Michael Rupert, Brynn Williams and Emmy winner Sally Struthers with Cheryl Daro, Charles Gray, Lance Guest, Olli Haaskivi, Lorinda Lisitza, Paolo Montalban, Eddie Pendergraft, Rick Roemer, Alyssa Simmons and Hannah Simmons.
The First Gentleman features music by Simmons and book and lyrics by Howard. Simmons is also the music director.
"Russell Cassidy is a proud father and owner of a small construction firm whose life is turned upside when his wife, long-shot candidate Governor Katheryn Cassidy (Rachel Bay Jones) is elected the first female President of the United States!" according to press notes. "As the first First Gentleman, Russell has a lot on his plate as this once very private man needs to learn how to live a very public life in the glass bowl that is the White House. Can he be a good father to his son (Gerard Cannonico) who's new girlfriend (Brynn Williams) might be a bad influence? How will he navigate the treacherous waters of the White House Press Corps (lead by Michael Rupert) and his wife's overbearing Presidential Staff (Justin Guarani and Sally Struthers)? Will he finally learn the proper way to serve tea to the spouses of other world leaders?"
Casting is by Daryl Eisenberg, CSA of Daryl Eisenberg Casting.
To RSVP to the reading, call (347) 954-9157 or e-mail [email protected].