Directed by Jenn Thompson, the cast will feature Emily Walton, Liam Forde, Tally Sessions, Laura Darrell, Bill Nolte, David H. Hamilton, Bruce Warren, Jeff Gurner, Erin Rubico, Morgan Cowling, Erin Lindsey Krom, Daniel Plimpton, Tripp Hampton, Bruce Landry, and Dan Rosales.
Goin' Hollywood features book and lyrics by Stephen Cole and music by David Krane. Larry Goldberg is the musical director.
“When Alice and Garson, two contemporary theatre writers, find little to love in the 21st century, they go to lunch at the new Super Chief Diner Car restaurant in Grand Central Station,” according to press notes for the new musical. “There, they make a wish, and the Dining Car starts to move and takes them cross country and back in time to 1949 MGM. There they encounter the blacklist, anti-Semitism, racism, anti-feminism, and all the things that made Hollywood the fun place it was. They come to realize that any time is just like the other and that they have to live their lives in their own time.”
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