The Pulitzer Prize-winning show follows a woman coming to terms with her sexually abusive uncle through a series of flashbacks. It reunites the original cast and director from the 1997 Off-Broadway premiere, featuring direction by Mark Brokaw and leading performances by Mary-Louise Parker and David Morse, who reprise their roles of Li’l Bit and Uncle Peck, respectively. The production is nominated for three 2022 Tony Awards, including Best Revival of a Play, Best Performance By An Actor in a Leading Role in a Play, and Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Play.
Parker and Morse are joined by fellow original cast member Johanna Day and newcomers Alyssa May Gold and Chris Myers. Rounding out the company as understudies are Suzy Jane Hunt, Emily Young, Curt Bouril, and Charles Browning.
The play's creative team includes scenic design by Rachel Hauck, costume design by Dede Ayite, lighting design by Mark McCullough, original music and sound design by David Van Tieghem, video design by Lucy MacKinnon, music direction and vocal arrangements by Stephen Oremus, dialect coaching by Deborah Hecht, and production stage management by James Fitzsimmons. The production is cast by Kelly Gillespie, Nancy Piccione, and Caparelliotis Casting.