Barnstormers Theatre 2025 Season - Boston, MA EPA (02.26.25) Revised | Playbill


Barnstormers Theatre 2025 Season - Boston, MA EPA (02.26.25) Revised

CATEGORY: Performer

Barnstormers Inc.
Tamworth, NH

Job Details


Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Updated Breakdown.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025
9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (E)
Lunch 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

To schedule an audition appointment please
go to:

$776 weekly minimum (Cat. zz)

Equity actors for roles in Barnstormers
Theatre's 2025 Season (See breakdown).

No roles will have understudies.

The Barnstormers Theatre encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities,
and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to audition. We are looking for a diverse company for the 2025 Season.

The Barnstormers Theatre is committed to dismantling structures that may prevent all people from applying for employment with us. The Barnstormers Theatre aspires to cultivate
Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity. We are committed to continuing to prioritize our journey as an anti-racist and fully inclusive organization, and we encourage candidates from historically underrepresented groups to audition. The Barnstormers Theatre is an equal opportunity employer and as such, we consider individuals for employment according to their abilities and performance.

Please prepare 1 or 2 brief monologues or a monologue and 16-32 bar cutting of a song,
appropriate for the season. No more than 3 minutes total. If you would prefer, you are welcome to prepare something from one of our season’s plays or musicals. Also, please
bring your headshot and resume stapled together and a notebook or binder with sheet music in the correct key.


Boston Playwrights' Theatre

949 Commonwealth Ave

Boston, MA 02215-1305


Expected to attend:

Jordan Ahnquist: Artistic Director/Director -


Ilyse Robbins: Director - BAREFOOT IN THE PARK

Dori A Robinson: Director - THE MOUSETRAP

See breakdown for production specific personnel.


See the breakdown for production specific dates.


All rehearsals and performances will be located in Tamworth, NH

An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination.

Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.


Barnstormers Theatre 2025 Season

NOTE: As written, characters are listed as binary, however we encourage actors of all genders to
audition for roles they feel suited for.


Writer: Book by Karey Kirkpatrick and John O’Farrell
Music and Lyrics by Wayne Kirkpatrick and Karey Kirkpatric
Director: Jordan Ahnquist
Choreographer: TBD
Music Director: TBD
1st Rehearsal: Monday, June 16, 2025
Opening: Thursday, June 26, 2025
Closing: Saturday, July 5, 2025

NOTE: All performers must be strong movers. Tap dance experience preferred.


SHAKESPEARE: Male, 30s-40s The Bard. Charismatic, loves his stardom and talent, almost as much
as he loves himself. Over the top with a huge ego. Tap experience preferred. Vocal range top: Ab4,
Vocal range bottom: Ab2

NICK BOTTOM: Male, 30-40 A frustrated struggling writer who cannot stand Shakespeare. Nigel’s
older brother. Vocal range top: G4, Vocal range bottom: A2

NIGEL BOTTOM: Male, 25-35 Nick’s sweet younger brother. A struggling writer who falls in love with
Portia, a Puritan. Vocal range top: A4, Vocal range bottom: Eb3

NOSTRADAMUS: Male, 30s-50s An eccentric soothsayer, who sees the future of musical theatre.
Vocal range top F4, Vocal range bottom D3

BEA: Female, 30-40, Nick’s wife. She loves Nick despite his past lack of success. She dresses up like
a man to prove she can be an actor. Vocal range top: D5, Vocal range bottom: D3

BROTHER JERAMIAH: Male, 40s-60s Portia's father. A Puritan who thinks Nick and Nigel's plays are
sinful. Vocal range top: G4, Vocal range bottom: G3

PORTIA: Female, 20-35A Puritan woman who loves poetry, theater, and ultimately Nigel. Vocal range top: F#5, Vocal range bottom: G3

ENSEMBLE: strong dancers and singers. Ensemble roles include:

MINSTREL: Opening of Act 1 and Act 2 solos Vocal range: Tenor

LORD or LADY CLAPHAM, SHYLOCK, TROUPE, TOWNSPEOPLE, BARD BOYS, and more, various parts, dancers, etc. (very busy in the show!)

By Neil Simon
Director: Ilyse Robbins
First Rehearsal: Monday, June 30
Opening: Thursday, July 10
Closing: Saturday, July 19


CORIE BRATTER: Female, 20s-30s. Lives life to the fullest. Ready to take NYC by storm. A free
spirit, who is outgoing and optimistic, and unaware of her own magnetism. An energetic young woman who is deeply in love with her new husband, Paul.

PAUL BRATTER: Male, 20s-30s. A bit uptight. Deeply in love. He likes to stay in his comfort zone.
Considers himself to be dignified and level-headed, and keeps his emotions in check, perhaps a little
too much.

MRS. BANKS: Female, 45-65. Corie’s mother. Quite a sensible person, she is more like her son-inlaw
Paul. Mrs. Banks is rather healthy, but she does need to take these pink pills that help her

VICTOR VELASCO: Male, 40s–60s. The neighbor who lives in the attic. The quirky eccentric longtime New Yorker. Loves travel fashion and food and has a flair for the romantic.

TELEPHONE REPAIR MAN: Male, 30s-60s. Blue collar New Yorker. Family guy with a great dry
sense of humor. Not a fan of stairs, he counts the stoop.

DELIVERY MAN: Any Gender, 30-70. One small, comedic scene in the play, where they can’t catch
their breath. No lines. Physical comedy chops are a must for this role.

FRONT ROW TO MURDER (World Premiere)

By Jordan Reeves
Director: Blair Hundertmark
1st Rehearsal July 14
Opening July 24
Closing August 2


JOSEPHINE (JO) MARSHAL: Female, Mid-late 30s. Jo is a savvy, non-nonsense, and attentive
Brooklyn Police Detective on holiday. Out of place in a theatre, she's come up to Worthingtam to visit
her Aunt Gertrude’s summer stock theatre.

GERTRUDE STOCKINGS: Female, 50s-60s. Jo’s Aunt and a brilliant, but kooky actress. She once
had a short career in New York, but many years ago moved to Worthingtam, and became a company
member of the local theatre

RICHARD (DICK) CADE: Male 40-60s. Worthingtam Theatre's Artistic Director. Handsome and
overconfident, with a great head of hair.

MAUREEN ROOSEVELT-CADE: Female, 50s-60s. Longtime Chairwoman of the theatre’s board and
wife to DICK CADE. Loves the theatre, but not an actress herself. Businesslike and loving. She is also
the granddaughter to the late founder of the Playhouse.

DOUGLAS HARTLEY: Male 40s-50s. Leading man at the theatre for decades. Now too old to play
the lead . . . yet still is.

DOTTIE BRIGHT: Female, 40s. Long time actress at the theatre. Bubbly and sweet, but not as bright as her name would suggest.

DR. PHILLIP PYNE: Male, 60s-70s. The town's long time country doctor. Also, a minor thespian.

FELICITY TULIP: Female, 30s. Leading Actress at the theatre.

PATTIE ROPER: Female, 30s-40s. Theatre Company's longtime Stage Manager. A practical problem solver keeping everything running smoothly. Or trying her best anyway.

JENNY GLASS: Female 20s-30s. Assistant Stage Manager. Local girl grew up in Worthingtam. Loves being a part of the theatre every summer.

SHERIFF RODGER TRIP: Male, Mid-late 60s. He's been the Sheriff for 30 years. There has never been a murder during his tenure. He'd rather be fishing.

DEPUTY BRYON BUNDLE: Male 20s-30s. Young, eager, and terribly clumsy. He grew up around the theater.


By Agatha Christie
Director: Dori A. Robinson
First Rehearsal July 28
Opening August 7
Closing August 16


MOLLIE ROLSTON: Female 20s-30s. New Owner / hostess of Monkswell Manor; Anxious about
hosting; married to Giles for one year.

GILES ROLSTON: Male, 20s-30s. Owns Monkswell Manor with wife, Mollie, somewhat arrogant and
jealous of the other guests’ attentions towards Mollie.

CHRISTOPHER WREN: Male, 20s-30s. The first guest to arrive. A hyperactive and peculiar acting
young man. Claims to have been named after the famous architect of the same name.

MRS BOYLE: Female, 40s-60s. An imposing woman in a bad temper; complains about everything.
Disapproving of every attempt by Mollie and Giles to make her comfortable.

MAJOR METCALF: Male, 40s-60s. Square-shouldered, military in manner and bearing. Friendly and
very polite.

MISS CASEWELL: Female, 20s-30s. Aloof. A unique person who speaks offhandedly about the
horrific experiences of her childhood.


By Agatha Christie
Director: Dori A. Robinson
First Rehearsal July 28
Opening August 7
Closing August 16


MOLLIE ROLSTON: Female 20s-30s. New Owner / hostess of Monkswell Manor; Anxious about
hosting; married to Giles for one year.

GILES ROLSTON: Male, 20s-30s. Owns Monkswell Manor with wife, Mollie, somewhat arrogant and
jealous of the other guests’ attentions towards Mollie.

CHRISTOPHER WREN: Male, 20s-30s. The first guest to arrive. A hyperactive and peculiar acting
young man. Claims to have been named after the famous architect of the same name.

MRS BOYLE: Female, 40s-60s. An imposing woman in a bad temper; complains about everything.
Disapproving of every attempt by Mollie and Giles to make her comfortable.

MAJOR METCALF: Male, 40s-60s. Square-shouldered, military in manner and bearing. Friendly and
very polite.

MISS CASEWELL: Female, 20s-30s. Aloof. A unique person who speaks offhandedly about the
horrific experiences of her childhood.

MR PARAVICINI: Male, 30s-50s. a man of unknown provenance who turns up claiming his car has overturned in a snowdrift. He appears to be affecting a foreign accent and artificially aged with makeup.

SGT TROTTER: Male. 20s-40s Cheerful, common-place man who arrives at the guest house on skis to investigate a local murder.


Book by Rachel Sheinkin
Music and Lyrics by William Finn
Conceived by Rebecca Feldman
Director: Clayton Phillips
Rehearsal August 11
Open August 21
Close August 30


THE SPELLERS: While all spellers are middle school aged children, they will be played by adults 18+

CHIP TOLENTINO / JESUS CHRIST: Male. An athletic, social, boy scout and champion of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, he returns to defend his title, but he finds puberty hitting at an inopportune moment. Vocal Range: C3-B4

LOGAINNE SCHWARTZANDGRUBENIERE (SCHWARTZY): Female. Logainne is the youngest and most politically aware speller, often making comments about current political figures. She is driven by internal and external pressure, but above all by a desire to win to make her two fathers proud. She is somewhat of a neat freak, speaks with a lisp, and will be back next year. Vocal Range: A3-F5

LEAF CONEYBEAR: Male. The second runner-up in his district, Leaf gets into the competition on a lark and finds everything about the bee incredibly amusing. He is home-schooled and comes from a
large family of former hippies. He has severe Attention Deficit Disorder and spells words correctly
while in a trance. Vocal Range: A2-A4

WILLIAM BARFEE: Male. A Putnam County Spelling Bee finalist last year, he was eliminated
because of an allergic reaction to peanuts and is back for vindication. His famous "Magic Foot"
method of spelling has boosted him to spelling glory, even though he only has one working nostril and
a touchy, bullying personality. He develops a crush on Olive. Vocal Range: E2-B4

MARCY PARK: Female. The ultimate overachiever, Marcy has never been given another option. She
comes from a family where excellence is expected and so simply produced. A parochial school
student, she assumes God, too, expects perfection. She sees herself as a mass of problems but she
keeps them to herself. Having moved often because of her parents' work, she knows she can beat the
local competition. Her many talents include piano, dance, martial arts, baton twirling, and/or whatever
special gifts you can find in your casting pool. Vocal Range: C4-E5

OLIVE OSTROVSKY: Female. A young newcomer to competitive spelling. Her mother is in an
ashram in India, and her father is working late, as usual, but he is trying to come sometime during the
bee. Having found comfort in its words and vastness, Olive made friends with her dictionary at a very
young age, helping her to make it to the competition. She starts enormously shy, and shyly blossoms.
Vocal Range: B3-F5


RONA LISA PERETTI / OLIVE’S MOM: Female, 25s-40s.The number-one realtor in Putnam County,
a former Putnam County Spelling Bee Champion herself, and the returning moderator. She is a sweet
woman who loves children, but she can be very stern when it comes to dealing with Vice Principal
Panch and his feelings for her. Her interest in the competition is unflagging and drives it forward. Vocal
Range: B3-F5

DOUGLAS PANCH: Male, 40s-50s. The Vice Principal. Frustrated with his life, he finds the drive of
the young spellers alien to him. After five years' absence from the Bee, Panch returns as judge. There
was an "incident" at the Twentieth Annual Bee, but he claims to be in "a better place" now, thanks to a
high-fiber diet and Jungian analysis. He is infatuated with Rona Lisa Peretti, but she does not return
his affections. Impeccable comic timing and the ability to improv. While he does not need to sing, he is
a vitally important role.

MITCH MAHONEY / DAN’S DAD / OLIVE’S DAD: Male, 25-50. The Official Comfort Counselor. An
ex-convict, Mitch is performing his community service with the Bee, and hands out juice boxes to
losing students. He has no idea how to offer comfort, but does find himself wishing he could find a way
to make the kids feel better. Vocal Range: E3-A4


CORST $776 weekly minimum (Cat. zz)




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